Methods of Teaching Business Communication provides unique insights into how to teach your business communication or business writing course more easily and successfully.

English for Meetings: Decision-Making Meetings

"Success in business depends on making good decisions. But making good decisions is not just an individual skill. It’s a group skill. Several people come together to discuss an issue, explore options, and decide which path to follow. With good information, a good decision-making process, and good meeting skills, the participants should be able to make the best decision possible."

"So what kind of skills might be useful in decision-making meetings? Today we’ll explore techniques such as framing a decision, inviting discussion, and referencing criteria. We’ll also cover raising concerns and requesting more information."

Listen to the podcast . . .

How to Become Fluent in English | Techniques, Strategies and Hacks

"In this video, I will talk about how you can improve your fluency and confidence in English, even if you don't speak English on a daily basis. First, I'll talk about the reasons for lack of fluency, then continue to real tactics: the actual practices you should do, and finally, talk about the strategy: how to approach your English practice in the most effective and productive way."

Watch the video by Hadar Shemesh . . .

Natural English Rhythm: Abbreviations, Numbers, Names

The key to more natural English rhythm is understanding what is emphasized and what falls into the background. In this lesson, I’ll share 7 tips to help you sound more natural in your daily conversations when using abbreviations as well as sharing numbers and names.”

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Want to Sound More Native? Do This! Common Contractions in English Part 1: IS ARE AM

"If you really want to sound more natural and native in your spoken English you have to use contractions. I know it can seem counterintuitive, but contractions are essential in mastering the rhythm and flow of spoken English. In this lesson, part 1 in a 3-part series, we will practice contracting IS, ARE and AM. Stay tuned for the next 2 lessons in this series helping you to become aware of, and practice, the MOST common contractions in English."

Watch the video by Keenyn Rhodes (photo, left) . . .

How I Lost My Accent and Became Fluent in English

"In this video, I talk about what helped me speak with an American accent and how I became fluent in English."

Presenter bio – Hadar Shemesh's company is called The Accent's Way where she teaches people to speak confidently with an American accent. Her website is Her YouTube channel is here.

Watch the YouTube video by Hadar Shemesh (photo, left) . . .

What Our Language Habits Reveal

"In an exclusive preview of his book The Stuff of Thought, Steven Pinker looks at language and how it expresses what goes on in our minds — and how the words we choose communicate much more than we realize.

Watch the TED video . . .