Methods of Teaching Business Communication provides unique insights into how to teach your business communication or business writing course more easily and successfully.

8 Famous Authors and Their Favorite Writing Spots

"As writers, we all have that place in our house where we tend to be more creative and the words just come a little easier for us. If you are serious about writing as a career or even a side job, it’s extremely important to find this place. . . ."

Image: Charles Dickens

Read the full article . . .

Another Sign for You to Proofread

My friend Eric W. sent me a sign that needs your proofreading eye. What would you change? Please share your recommendations in a comment. If your company or organization has a sign-making department, suggest that one of its team members…

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Seven Communications Trends Worth Knowing About

"No matter how well your current system works, someone is always looking to find a better way. This isn't a bad thing: Stronger approaches mean more efficiencies and solving sticking points that can cause grief for everyone involved. But there are a lot of potential solutions being explored out there, ranging from introducing artificial intelligence and blockchain tech to better handle data to trends focusing on improved storytelling and content creation."

"So how do you know what trends to pay attention to and which to ignore? To help point you in the right direction, seven members of Forbes Communications Council describe the major trends they see coming in their industry in the next two years and what these changes may mean. Here’s what they had to say: . . ."

Read the full article . . .

Take Time to Think Inside the Box

My daughter enjoyed an attraction called Enchant Christmas, which is currently in Seattle. I thought I’d like to go too, so I checked out the website on my phone. I was surprised that Enchant was also being offered in Arlington,…

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Networking Is Really in the Notes

"Whether you’re a newly-minted associate or a seasoned partner, the message that you need to be “networking” never goes away."

Read the full article by Jason Levin of in ...

What is GTD (Getting Things Done)?

"People often ask us, “So, what is GTD?” If you’re new to GTD or have been looking for a succinct way to explain it to others, check out this short video where David Allen shares the keys to the Getting Things Done® methodology. Hear why GTD can help you feel more in control and give you greater perspective, personally and professionally."

Watch the video by GTD founder and author David Allen . . .

Three Quests for Errors

Are you feeling smart and alert today? Test yourself in the three short passages below. Each “Error Quest” has just one error. Find and correct it. Error Quest 1: Since you asked, this is RoAnn’s and my suggestion: We believe…

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Since vs. Because [Are They Interchangeable?]

According to the APA Style Blog, “since” and “because” have specific meanings and should not be interchanged:

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Are You Envious–or Jealous?

Envious? Jealous? Do you use these words interchangeably? Or do you make a distinction between them? Test your understanding by filling in these blanks: I am _______________ of my neighbors’ gorgeous backyard. Rob feels _______________ when he sees Carlos talking…

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10 Impressive Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

"As someone who has interviewed probably thousands of job candidates in my career, I’ve long been surprised by how many people don’t ask good questions when their interviewer gives them the opportunity. A surprising number of candidates don’t have many questions at all, or simply use the time to try to further pitch themselves for the job. To me, this is crazy — after all, this is a job that you’re considering spending 40 or more hours at a week, a job that might have a huge impact on your career and your quality of life for years to come. You should have questions!"

Read the full article by Alison Green (photo, left) . . .
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