Methods of Teaching Business Communication provides unique insights into how to teach your business communication or business writing course more easily and successfully.

Moral Hazard and Ethical Dilemmas

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Are You Mentorable?

"Are you open about the areas where you want help? Respectful of your mentor’s time and advice? Here are the characteristics that can make you someone whom other people would like to guide, from mentoring researcher Victoria Black."

Read the full article or watch the YouTube video following the article . . .

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How to Become Fluent in English | Techniques, Strategies and Hacks

"In this video, I will talk about how you can improve your fluency and confidence in English, even if you don't speak English on a daily basis. First, I'll talk about the reasons for lack of fluency, then continue to real tactics: the actual practices you should do, and finally, talk about the strategy: how to approach your English practice in the most effective and productive way."

Watch the video by Hadar Shemesh . . .

Natural English Rhythm: Abbreviations, Numbers, Names

The key to more natural English rhythm is understanding what is emphasized and what falls into the background. In this lesson, I’ll share 7 tips to help you sound more natural in your daily conversations when using abbreviations as well as sharing numbers and names.”

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Want to Sound More Native? Do This! Common Contractions in English Part 1: IS ARE AM

"If you really want to sound more natural and native in your spoken English you have to use contractions. I know it can seem counterintuitive, but contractions are essential in mastering the rhythm and flow of spoken English. In this lesson, part 1 in a 3-part series, we will practice contracting IS, ARE and AM. Stay tuned for the next 2 lessons in this series helping you to become aware of, and practice, the MOST common contractions in English."

Watch the video by Keenyn Rhodes (photo, left) . . .

What is GTD (Getting Things Done)?

"People often ask us, “So, what is GTD?” If you’re new to GTD or have been looking for a succinct way to explain it to others, check out this short video where David Allen shares the keys to the Getting Things Done® methodology. Hear why GTD can help you feel more in control and give you greater perspective, personally and professionally."

Watch the video by GTD founder and author David Allen . . .

How I Lost My Accent and Became Fluent in English

"In this video, I talk about what helped me speak with an American accent and how I became fluent in English."

Presenter bio – Hadar Shemesh's company is called The Accent's Way where she teaches people to speak confidently with an American accent. Her website is Her YouTube channel is here.

Watch the YouTube video by Hadar Shemesh (photo, left) . . .

You’re Fluent in This Language (and Don’t Even Know It)

"Without realizing it, we're fluent in the language of pictures, says illustrator Christoph Niemann. In a charming talk packed with witty, whimsical drawings, Niemann takes us on a hilarious visual tour that shows how artists tap into our emotions and minds — all without words."

Watch the TED video by Christoph Niemann (photo, left) . . .

How to Use Gestures or What to Do with Your Hands

"You’re standing at the front of a room of people. All eyes are on you. You know your content – phew."

"But there’s a nagging question that jumps to mind… (cue the video, below)."

Read the full article or watch the video by Kelly Decker (phot...

Everyone Around You Has a Story the World Needs to Hear

"Dave Isay [photo, left] opened the first StoryCorps booth in New York’s Grand Central Terminal in 2003 with the intention of creating a quiet place where a person could honor someone who mattered to them by listening to their story. Since then, StoryCorps has evolved into the single largest collection of human voices ever recorded. His TED Prize wish: to grow this digital archive of the collective wisdom of humanity. Hear his vision to take StoryCorps global — and how you can be a part of it by interviewing someone with the StoryCorps app."

Watch the TED video . . .
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