Methods of Teaching Business Communication provides unique insights into how to teach your business communication or business writing course more easily and successfully.

Seven Communications Trends Worth Knowing About

"No matter how well your current system works, someone is always looking to find a better way. This isn't a bad thing: Stronger approaches mean more efficiencies and solving sticking points that can cause grief for everyone involved. But there are a lot of potential solutions being explored out there, ranging from introducing artificial intelligence and blockchain tech to better handle data to trends focusing on improved storytelling and content creation."

"So how do you know what trends to pay attention to and which to ignore? To help point you in the right direction, seven members of Forbes Communications Council describe the major trends they see coming in their industry in the next two years and what these changes may mean. Here’s what they had to say: . . ."

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How to Effectively Communicate Ideas

"In the this HOW Design Live podcast episode, Ilise Benun, founder of and HOW Design Live Programming Partner, talks with communications expert and trainer, Eleanor Handley. They discuss Handley’s HOW Design Live topic: how to clearly, confidently and effectively communicate your ideas, whether to your boss, your team or your biggest audience ever. Bonus: this conversation takes a fun twist when Handley discusses how to tell the difference between British and Australian accents."

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